curated by Chet Zar

January 1 - February 11, 2017

sales inquiries: e-mail or call - Copro Gallery 310-829-2156

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35 x W42 x D13 inches Casting resin,  Rigid foam, Wood

Chet Zar
Dead End
Craig LaRotonda
30" x 19" x 5" Mixed Media
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Chet Zar
Crybaby Sculpture #1
Colin Christian
.Funny Lady
25" high,fiberglass and faux hair,

Emil Melmoth
Aracne 2017
100cm, Lenght: 45cm Width: 16cm.
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Emil Melmoth
Rotten Cupid
Height: 62cm Lenght: 52cm Width: 17cm.

Matthew Levin
Fractured Grace
13.75h x 9w x 12d
Polymer clay, oil, acrylic
Sarina Brewer
A Rude Awakening (2017, year of the cock)
Taxidermied cockerel and skunk skins
over carved foam and mâché armature. Ceramic base.
26"H x 16"L 9"W
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32x32" oil on wood panel.


Ryan Tottle
Self Being
36" tall - 3 versions- Resin and cast Bronze
$15,000 bronze
available - $5,000 Pearl
available - $10,000 color

Carl Lyon
Henry's Nightmare
Wood/casting resin/acrylic paint 18"x26"

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Catherine Coan
Canary Suicides
Mixed media 20" x 20" x 12"
Catherine Coan
Ready for my Closeup
Canary Suicides
Mixed media 20" x 20" x 10" pedestal 18" x 46" x 18"

Catherine Coan
VOILA! 2017
Mixed media 42" x 28" x 18"
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Catherine Coan
Canary Suicides
Mixed media 20" x 18" x 10"

Catherine Coan
Mixed media 9" X 30" X 28"
Eimi Takano
You Are Not Alone
Clay, resin, fabric, wood 11" x 14" x 4"
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Jeremy Cross
oil painting, wood carved sculptures, found object assemblage Frame has several sculpted and cast skulls & dental casts accents
26" x 32" / Framed 38.5" x 44.5" x 6"

Unknown Bones
Chris Haas
mixed med. 34"H x 27"W x 18"D
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Doktor A
Anesthesia – The Dream Dealer's Daughter
Polyester resin "cold-cst bronze" bust. 12.5 tall

Jeffrey R. Kibbec
Aldrician Theory
Mixed Media Assemblage/Sculpture 13 " x 10" x 6"
El Mescalito
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Jason Hite
Goddess Temple
26.5" x 11" x 4.5" mixed media, urethane
Tokyo Jesus
Rambha The Little Demon
16.5" x10.6" x7.8"
Jason Hite
Shadow of the Veil
12.5" x 10" x 3" mixed media, urethane

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Jason Rosen
Saint Maria De Conjoino Child's Doll
polymer clay, epoxy, acrylic paint 18" High X 10" wide $666
Jesse Berlin
Porcelain Scone

Moses Jaen
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John Haley lll John Haley lll Alex Pardee
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Robert Heckman Matthew Dutton Carl Ingram
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Dave Correia Kamila Mlynarczyk
Jessie 4Man
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Brandan c_necropolis_Jeremycrosjpg.jpg Damien Echols
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Gant Dave MacDowell Dave MacDowell
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Christian Eddie Sparr JoKa
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Matthew Ullman Nathan Cartwright JoKa
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c_necropolis_Jeremycrosjpg.jpg LOnehawk WHitlock House of Misery
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Larkin KC Mussman c_necropolis_Jeremycrosjpg.jpg
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Tom Taggart
catalyst_butcher.jpg Jesse Berlin
Curiosity, 2011, polyurethane and acrylic,
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Kristen Phillips
latex, polymer clay, synthetic hair 8"x9"x24"
Suicide King
Mixed media
10" w x 15" h x 12" d
Kristen Phillips
latex, resin, synthetic hair, ammonites 20"x10"x33" $2,400
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Dave Richardsom Pseudo5 Khrstopher Sapp
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Stephanie Sciullo
Mixed media sculpture 22"H X 8.5"W
Kazuhiro Tsuji
Dali study (small)
9" tall with a glass dome
Silicone, human hair , chrome resin composite,
wood , glass , resin
Chantal Menard
The Seeker
Mixed Media Assemblage
39"Tall x15"wide x 12"Deep