Brian Viveros & Dan Quintana - Bad Otis Link CLOSING PARTY

Where: Copro Gallery

Bergamot Station
2525 Michigan Ave , Unit T5, Santa Monica , CA 90404
Ph: 310/829-2156

What: CLOSING PARTY - Brian Viveros & Dan Quintana "Desensitized", Bad Otis Link
"You'll Be Sorry When I'm Dead" (More Junk for a World Out of Order)

Dates:  Saturday February 6 - 6:00 - 10:00 p.m. -  Exhibit runs; January 16 - February 6, 2009

Contact:  Gary Pressman, Gallery - Director Copro Gallery 

Dan Quintana, Brian Viveros's "Desensitized" & Bad Otis Link's " You'll be Sorry When I'm Dead " exhibitions end next Saturday, February 6 with a closing party from 6:00 - 10:00 PM, featuring live music from the The BillyBones and more of the same excitement from the " Desensitized " opening reception. Come have one last look at this great art exhibition and all the films that were shown on opening night. All the giclee prints and the " Desensitized " poster will also be available. For those that can't make it now has the prints available online while they last and some great photos from the opening.

The BillyBones at The Masque reunion, courtesy of the Artifax Records website

The BillyBones is a punk rock band from Los Angeles, California and features Steven Williams "Billy Bones" Fortuna, formerly of The Skulls, guitarist Alex Mack, bassist Drew Milford, and drummer Alex Gomez, formerly of U.S. Bombs:

Brian Viveros & Dan Quintana " Desensitized" - In a culture where we are bombarded with overwhelming visual stimuli, have we become desensitized to art? From sexual content on TV, graphic violence in the news, and flashy ads everywhere we look, obtrusive images are in constant competition for our attention.

Bad Otis Link - "You'll Be Sorry When I'm Dead" (More Junk for a World Out of Order)
In the words of Bad Otis Link, his new show consists of works "all done wrong, perfect for our current atmosphere." In this show, Link revisits ink and watercolor on Bristol. "I worked with these mediums in  the '80s and recently realized that I miss this style" states the artist, who puts a slightly different twist on the pieces, using more line work and less stipple than in his previous works. The show will also consist of acrylic on hardboard and some three dimensional pieces: puppets and experimental foam work.
