Jason Freeny - Happy Pills
solo sculpture exhibition

December 2- December 23 2023

sales inquiries e-mail CoproGallery@live.com or call 310-829-2156


01Cubby 02Exposed 03Bearbrick Anatomy
Cubby (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Polyurethane Foam, Acrylic, 6" tall

Exposed (Hand Sculpted)
Plastic Toy, Epoxy Clay, Acrylic, Wood Base, 12" tall

Be@rbrick Anatomy (Hand Sculpted)
Plastic Toy, Epoxy Clay, Acrylic Paint, 10" tall

04Little Ghost 05Toy Story Sid Anatomy 06Ren and Stimpy Anatomy
Little Ghost (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Aluminum, Wood Base, Acrylic, 9" tall

Toy Story Sid Anatomy (Hand Sculpted)
Vinyl Toy, Epoxy Clay, Acrylic Paint, 7" tall

Ren and Stimpy Anatomy (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Metal Rods, Acrylic Paint, 6" tall
$5,000 each / $9,500 for both (Set)

07Barbie Fill Petite 08Barbie Fill Curvy 09Barbie Fill AfAm
Barbie Fill In Petite (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Acrylic, Wood Base, Glass Cloche, 12" tall

Barbie Fill In Curvy (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Acrylic, Wood Base, Glass Cloche,12" tall

Barbie Fill In Africa American (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Acrylic, Wood Base, Glass Cloche,12" tall

10Scary Spider 11Mr Twisty 12Smoking Luey Skull
Scary Spider
Epoxy Clay, Polyurethane Foam, Acrylic Paint, 6" tall

Mister Twisty (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay,Polyurethane Foam Brass Rods, Acrylic, 9" tall

Smoking Luey Skull (5" tall )
Hand Sculpted Vinyl Toy (by Bob Dob), Epoxy Clay, Acrylic
14Hamburger Helper (Helping Hand Anatomy 15Happy Pill
Epoxy Clay, Polyurethane Foam, Acrylic Paint,10" tall

Hamburger Helper (Helping Hand Anatomy)
Hand Sculpt ABS Plastic Toy, Epoxy Clay, Acrylic Paint, 6" tall

Happy Pill (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Metal Rods, Acrylic Paint,11" tall

16Booster Shot 17Immaculate Confection 18Melting Bomb
Booster Shot (12" tall) Hand Sculpted
Epoxy Clay, Polyurethane Foam, Acrylic Metal Rod, Wood Base

Immaculate Confection (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Brass rods, Wood Base, Acrylic,17" wide

Melting Bomb (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Acrylic Paint, 9" tall

19Lick Spiral 20It's A Trap! 21Lick Squiggle
Lick Spiral (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Copper Rods, Acrylic Paint,10" tall

IT’S A TRAP! (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Metal Rods, Acrylic Paint, 21" wide

Lick Squigle (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Copper Rods, Acrylic Paint,10" tall

22Heart Hands 23Plunger Monsters (2) 24Melting Missile
Heart Hands
Porcelain Resin, Glass Cloche,10" tall

Plunger Monsters (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Metal Rods, 15" long
$3,500 each

Melting Missle (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, White Primer, 20" tall

25Persecution of Saint BooBoo Crucifix Rosary 26Patron Saint of Boo Boo's 27Persecution of Saint BooBoo Standing Crucifix
Persecution of Saint BooBoo Crucifix Rosary
Porcelain Resin, 5" tall

Patron Saint of Boo Boo's (Hand Sculpted)
Epoxy Clay, Metal Rods, Wood Base, Acrylic,16" tall

Persecution of Saint BooBoo Standing Crucifix
Porcelain Resin,11" tall

28Patron Saint of Minor Aches and Pains Rosary   29Anatamy Deck X3
Patron Saint of Minor Aches and Pains Rosary
Polymer Resin, Acrylic Paint, 4" tall

  Anatamy Deck
Printed Skate Deck, 36" tall
$250 each
29Mr Twisty Spring Rider 30Self Indulgence Porcelain God Edition 31FriendlyFire Mini
Mr Twisty Spring Rider
Porcelain Resin, 4" tall

Self Indulgence Porcelain God Edition
Polymer Resin, Acrylic Paint, 6" tall
FriendlyFire Mini
Polymer Resin, Acrylic Paint, 4" tall